AA Big Book 12 Step Study Workshop

"Big Book 12 Step Study Workshop"


Welcome to the “A.A. Big Book 12 Step Study Workshop” page!  We are glad you are here.

Workshop kicks off again in January!  This is the 14th annual occurrence of this workshop in the Temecula Valley, CA area providing those in attendance the opportunity to “work the 12 steps” of Alcoholics Anonymous as described in the book “Alcoholics Anonymous”, affectionately called “The Big Book”.  This is the 7th year the workshop material is available online here.

For many this is their first time through “The Steps”, for others the workshop provides the opportunity and motivation to work “The Steps” again with others and to “Share their Experience, Strength and Hope”.

Workshop Purpose: It is the purpose of this workshop to offer an opportunity, for those in attendance, to experience the recovery process as outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, either for the first time, or again, so we may better carry out and understand our primary purpose: to stay sober and carry the message to the still suffering alcoholic.

Website Purpose: It is the purpose of this website page to provide a convenient location to access the printed material and handouts provided in the workshop and to provide links to other locations on the web with additional information.  The goal is to post each week’s material online here as the material is available.  The handout material is being converted to an online format (Adobe Acrobat Reader PDF files).  Corrections to the material for prior weeks will also be published on this site.

Website Access: Access to this site is generally open. To post comments, you will need to register with 12Stepping.org, but registration is free.  Registration is required only to prevent “spamming” on the site.  Access to the workshop material download page will require a password that is provided at the workshop.

The material was first available online in Jan 2010 and revised and maintained each year, so “Keep Coming Back” for additional information and improvements.

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